Monday, April 19, 2010

Thrash over galway

So Gama bomb, SSS and a rake of other bands played Galway last night.
This gig was fantastic, I usually drink for most gigs and feel like a spare prick if I don't but this was one of the best I've been to in a long time, well, since The Ocean last week.
Support came from STICK AROUND ex and current members of Cut the reins and Beanz on toast whose riffs are based around pop punk but also have an old school hardcore vibe about them that I really enjoy, the sound was a little muddled for them making it a little hard to make out the drums in parts but once that all settled they were great.
EVIDENCE OF DECAY were savage, dirty hardcore crust with ridiculous solos featuring ex and current members of so many bands you'd need several pairs of fingers and toes to count them all on.
It's nice to see solos getting thrown into some of the newer hardcore bands, as long as it doesn't go all Dragonforce, we're alright.
One of the main thing I think both bands have going for them is the multiple vocals thing, when it's done well I really like it, and there is a good shriek and growl mix going on between guitarists Mayte and Dan.
REBORN were up next, and I have to say, I did not enjoy them at all, the songs were too drawn out and had no variation, plus I seemed to enjoy it less and less when a mate beside me starting pointing out all the Dave Mustaine moves the guitarist seemed to be stealing.
I managed to miss VISCERAL ATTACK due to a food errand that took a little longer than expected but I heard nothing but good things.
But from seeing these guys before, they are mental, old school thrash metal with a hardcore(ish) side.
SSS played ten minutes after I came back in, and blew me away. From what I had heard online I wasn't too sure about, I felt like there was something lacking. But live they are solid and great to watch, if I wasn't so sick I would of gone for a bit of a mosh, oh well, there's always Municipal waste, highlight of the night for me by a mile.
GAMA BOMB I'm not too keen on, which is strange because I love the bands they're clearly paying homage to, but it's just not my cup of tea, and to be honest I was a bit confused as to why they were stuck on after SSS.
But they managed to work the crowd well and stir up multiple crowd surfers, pits and pyramids, I don't know, maybe I'm just an aul dry shite.


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